Success Can Hurt

Leveling up will remove you from what you have always known.

Since 2007, I've been trying to build an online business to help me earn money passively daily. I've had many failed attempts, but I kept learning and practicing until it became my passion. Now, I make money every day from my work. Although succeeding feels good, my family and friends don't seem to be happy for me.

My goal has always been to become wealthy and live a life of leisure and freedom. I have learned how to create work that automatically earns me more money. I have more control over making money, which gives me peace of mind, more options, and happiness.

During my journey, I learned how to become a savvy investor in stocks and cryptocurrency. I now have more time to live a comfortable and enjoyable lifestyle.

Sometimes, it can be challenging to realize that some people only seem to like you when you're struggling or feeling down. They might feel better about themselves when you are not doing well. Many people aren't living their best lives, but I've been lucky enough to find my passion and purpose, improving my life. I'm grateful I didn't settle for less in the past just because I feared being alone. I'm on the verge of a big change in my life, moving to a more prosperous and fulfilling lifestyle. But I know that some people who used to be close to me won't be there for me anymore. Making big changes like this can be lonely, but it's not worth holding yourself back to make others happy. If you're willing to work hard and take some risks to get to where you want to be, you deserve to have the success and happiness you've earned.

Making progress and achieving success can be tricky sometimes. Once you start changing and improving, feeling alone or detached from others is expected. But don't confuse this feeling with loneliness. Being alone can be a good thing. Many people need constant validation, attention, and companionship. However, spending time alone can allow you to think, make decisions, and plan your actions. It will enable you to focus on what you need to do to achieve your goals. Breaking away from the norm and trying to achieve something different can be challenging. People may only sometimes support or understand what you're doing. This is especially true for entrepreneurs, who often face criticism and doubt. But if you're determined and willing to take risks, pursuing your dreams can be a rewarding experience.

Did you know that there are around 594 million entrepreneurs in the world? That's about 7.4% of the entire global population! I'm part of such a unique and ambitious group.

It's important not to let other people's limitations hold you back from achieving your goals and finding happiness. Suppose you find that sharing your success with others upsets them, or they don't seem genuinely happy for you. In that case, it's essential to seek out people living the lifestyle you want for yourself or connect with those working towards similar goals. You don't necessarily have to cut ties with old friends or family, but as you start living your life differently, you may naturally spend less time with them, and vice versa.

Achieving our goals can be rewarding, but it also means adapting to change. Success can bring joy and happiness, but it can also cause pain. Change can be difficult for anyone, and even success can have downsides.

Take notice when.

  • You share the good news, but the people you share it with are not happy for you.
  •  You share good news, but the people you share it with act jealous.
  •  You share good news, but the people you share it with don't show emotion or reaction.
  •  You share good news, but the people you share it with stare at you and say nothing.
  •  You share good news, but the people you share it with undervalue your achievements. Make less of it.
  •  You share good news, but the people you share it with show anger.
  •  You share good news, but the people you share it with feel the need to outshine your news.
  •  You share good news, but the people you share it with act as if they are doing you a favor by listening.

I've gone through harsh experiences where people have mistreated me. However, I've learned to stand up for myself and treat others as they treat me. It's interesting how people don't appreciate being treated the way they treat others. But I'm not sorry for standing up for myself. I'm constantly striving to be better and help others who want to do the same. I'm not the type of person who feels jealous when others succeed. In fact, I'm happy for them when they achieve their goals. However, I get annoyed when I sense others are jealous of someone else's success.

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